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Email marketing measuring engagement

Measuring engagement with your email marketing campaigns helps you to understand how your customers and potential customers interact with your e-mail marketing and your content.

Measuring engagement – what to look out for


Some simple things you can do are to look at how many people opened it this is often called the ‘open rate’ The open rate can help you see how engaging your subject line and intro text is.

Even more importantly you should be able to see who opened it and what they clicked on. This gives you a perfect opportunity to follow up with them – they have become a warm lead.
Other measures include what people clicked on – the click-through rate (CTR) so you can start to notice what worked well for your audience. What topics garnered the most interest and which call to action (CTA) prompted the best response. It is well known that click here will get fewer clicks than something more descriptive such as ‘ top tips on x’ as text on your button! 
Rather than just looking at the numbers which can consist of percentages compared to industry benchmarks, looking at the qualitative information can give you really useful insight into your customers’ behaviours and help with creating future campaigns.
By understanding what people are clicking on you can gain an insight into the content of most interest to your customers and therefore design your email marketing communications accordingly.
If you’d like our support with creating digital newsletters for your customers give us a call on 02392830804 or complete our contact us form.