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Top ten tips for e-mail marketing

Email marketing is a great way to communicate with current and potential customers. If you use the right tools for the job, it can also be an effective way to accurately measure and track engagement. Yay!

Want to know why email marketing is useful? Read Four reasons to use e-newsletters – a blog we wrote last year.

Here are our email marketing tips and how to measure the metrics:

    1. Work on having a list of quality contacts – update it regularly, especially by adding to it as often as you can.
    2. Make sure you are compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with regard to how you got these contacts onto your list. You must be able to prove that explicit consent was given.
    3. Ensure that the subject and lead-in text are clearly written and contain a persuasive call to action. Inboxes on all devices have a preview pane. 
    4. Create links to relevant content on all images, logos, and graphics.
    5. But try not to have too many different links within the text.
    6. Give people information before asking them to click on a button on your preferred webpage. For example, if you want your contact to register for an event, you should provide sufficient information ahead of the button before requesting a click.
    7. An email is a means of communicating with your customer – it is not a sales platform. Pushing customers in this way may discourage clicks. 
    8. Use the footer of the email to display the legally required information, such as your company’s registered address, registration number etc.
    9. Include ‘Forward to a friend’ and social sharing buttons so that your content can be shared more widely by your customers.
    10. Make sure your email adds value to your customer with an offer, some valuable insight, or an interesting fact.
    11. Bonus tip – don’t forget to add a sign-up box to your website so you can grow your contacts list.