Now more than ever, it is vital that we all support local businesses in our wonderful local community.
Let’s help businesses and customers keep the Southsea spirit alive and well by supporting local businesses and families during these challenging times.
 top ideas for supporting local businesses:
- Buy gift vouchers from your hairdresser or favourite restaurants so you can use them later or maybe have food delivered to your home – especially helpful if you need to stay in
- Plan ahead and order birthday/ or early Christmas presents for family and friends from local shops like Strong Island for clothes or gifts or The Southsea Bathing Hut for gorgeous bath products and toiletries and ask them to them save them, deliver them to you or post straight to your loved ones.
- Order food and drink from local companies. Staggeringly Good Brewery are delivering their beer  Portsmouth Distillery have locally made gin and rum and Southsea Deli, Baffled Coffee are doing food deliveries and Brasnbury Park Butchers are open and can deliver to vulnerable peopleÂ
- Keep local tradespeople going with small jobs outside your home, like fixing your fence or garden gate.
Advice for local businesses:
Communication is key
Keep talking to your customers and letting them know how things are. Try to remain upbeat in your communications but be realistic and pragmatic. We are all in this together and all of our lives will be affected in one way or another.
Be creative in your delivery
If you usually offer services face to face, think of ways around this. If you run classes, can you move these online? Can you provide one-to-one support, advice or guidance via video calls instead of in person?
Talk about Heath and Safety
Reassure your customers with the measures you are taking to keep them safe. Hygiene scores, routines and cleanliness will be key.
Examples of how Southsea businesses are adjusting:
Conquest Fine Bespoke Furniture, a local furniture company employing 36 local people including designers and fitters are offering design consultations via WhatsApp or Skype. Their designers then don’t have to come into your home, but you can show them your space and they can design the furniture from a distance.
Phoenix Blinds and Shutters are offering video calls, phone calls and email consultation and will Freeze your quotes until you are able to have your shutters or blinds fitted.
Jeannie Lymath is a local self-employed reflexologist who also runs crystal workshops and meditation classes. She is moving her services online. She will be offering her customers the chance to do online courses, and at this time of high anxiety, she hopes this will be a welcome resource for people. Online crystals course
We’d love to hear how you are adjusting your business practices and how you are supporting local businesses.Â